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7 Ways Digital Education is transforming teaching methods


Nowadays, is hard to find someone who doesn’t have a smartphone with them all the time. Google is our new library, open 24 hours per day, every day, without closing for holidays or vacation and Wikipedia is our super lightweight encyclopedia; after all it fits in our pockets.

At a time like this, it is important to incorporate technologies to our teaching methods, as a way to bring light to the lives of our students. Following, you will find seven ways Digital Education is transforming our teaching methods.

1. Smart Class

Teaching with blackboards, chalk, whiteboards and markers are now a thing that belongs in the past, and several teachers shifted to making use of technological devices, as projectors, VCD, DVD players, and eLearning systems to display tutorial videos and short sessions online, to help students understand that learning can be a fun experience too. Digital sessions can be more interactive than regular classes, and it can make students pay more attention as we are now living in a digital era.

2. Being Digitally Updated

In a tech-savvy world, education can become easily outdated, as there is always something new happening. Equipping students to be updated with the latest news and other subject-related topics is a great way to teach them to grow as persons. Students spend most of their time on their tech devices, and knowing what sources the students can refer to, online, and knowing which websites offer the best kind of information, can be an awesome way to guide students.

3. Converting Books to PDFs

Physical books are now considered old-fashioned. Students prefer to take their books on Kindle and other tabs. Sending them notes, references and other information in PDF formats that can be easily accessed on any tech devices, is a good way to encourage students on choosing a better way of studying.

4. Encouraging Online tests

Training students on subjects by conducting fun online tests from time to time creates a good learning environment. Students can be given online quizzes and assessments that they can take from home, replacing the usual homework that they usually find excuses for.

5. Conducting online webinars

This is a delicate subject, because the teacher must be aware to provide a two-way communication with the students, letting them participate during the webinar, to keep them focused and interested on the theme. Enable your students to comment, and take part on questionnaires, and you’ll see them much more interested in your lectures.

6. Supporting Online Research

Encourage your students to prepare for the class, just as you are prepared, ask them to do some research about the theme to be talked about on next class. Stimulate them to find some subjects that are somehow hard to find, or give them a list of things to find before next class is a good way to keep your students looking forward to your next class. Rewarding them or appreciating their online findings can encourage your students to make the best use of the digital resources they have.

7. Creating Communities

The interaction between teacher and students doesn’t have to end in a classroom. An online community is where a group or a team stay connected online, submitting their projects, discussing topics or expressing ideas. Teachers can set a platform for students to communicate, send suggestions and subject-related queries, for them to solve at any time.

Being open to online activities like these keep your students more focused, even outside the school environment, without realizing the fact that the learning process continues even after classes are done.


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